I had a question about Standards.

RalstonN Posts: 3 🌱

I am building a new course and adding questions to the question library. I was wondering if there was a way to attach a standard to each question in the question library.

In old courses, I know how to attach standards to questions already in a quiz. I figured you would be able to attach a standard to each question in the question library but I could not figure it out.


  • Hi @RalstonN ;

    With setting up Learning Outcomes (Standards) in Brightspace - you need to make sure the course is not running competencies. If the course is configured with competencies, Learning Outcomes will not be an avaialble option. (Quick pro-tip to get you started).

    To add standards to quiz questions using the new quiz creation experience; you need to link these to the quiz questions themselves (Article reference: https://documentation.brightspace.com/EN/le/quizzes/instructor/associate_learning_objectives.htm

    Once your course is configured with standards/Learning Outcomes (These can be manually created from Course Admin > Standards (or Learning Outcomes) > Either create your own or import from the Achievement Standards Network) - you can then link them to the quiz questions themselves.

    Note that Rubrics are not available for Quizzing tool. These take the learner's success against the given quiz question and grants them the credit towards the given competency as they achieve those outcomes.

    Once you setup the quiz question; then you can add the learning outcome as a subsequent step (Select question > More actions > Align to Standards).

    Once you select this box - you can then browse the standards associated with your course and align them:

    Once you start offering this information to your learners, you will notice the Mastery Gradebook will become available to instructors which are covered in this article here: https://documentation.brightspace.com/EN/le/grades/admin/gradebook_mastery_about.htm

    Let me know if that answers your question.

    Kind regards;


  • RalstonN
    RalstonN Posts: 3 🌱

    @Bruce Bur375

    Thank you for your reply. I have align standards to previous courses within the quizzes. I am building a new course and was adding quiz questions to my question library first. I figured I would be able to attach the standards to those individual questions so it will already be aligned once I import those questions into the quiz itself.

    I was wondering if it was possible to align each question in the question library to a standard before adding it to a quiz.

  • Hi @RalstonN

    I've reached out to the product team to verify with a formal answer. Based on my experience, Questions in the Library (QL) can be associated with many different course offerings. Since the learning outcomes (standards) are associated with the course offering themselves this link to the Question Library (shared) isn't possible today.

    Once I have more information, I'll circle back.

    Kind regards


  • RalstonN
    RalstonN Posts: 3 🌱

    @Bruce Bur375 Ok, thank you!

  • Hi @RalstonN - Wanted to close the loop on this request. Based on our current implementation of learning outcomes and associated with the course offering, associating an outcome to a question is not possible at this time. This comes down to our setup where the questions can be shared between 1:many courses and the association to the outcome would need to be brought with it.

    I would recommend that once you set up your quiz with the questions (that have the association of the outcome) you can use a master course setup and then copy that forward to subsequent offerings. This will preserve your outcome associated with the question without needing to manually re-map this on every course.

    Hope that helps answer your question!


  • Brenda.H.801
    Brenda.H.801 Posts: 3

    @Bruce Bur375 - Do you know if there is a way to assign/apply the "does not meet expectations" achievement for quiz questions aligned to outcomes where the student does not complete the attempt? Or how else would an instructor get that factored in if, for example, a student completed 1 out of 10 quizzes that measured some of the same outcomes? In this case, the student truly did not demonstrate a mastery of an outcome if they only attempted one of them. Right now it appears that the Mastery View is only factoring in the completed attempts.

  • Bruce.B.64
    Bruce.B.64 Posts: 54
    edited May 2023

    Hi Brenda; sorry for the delay. These can be set via the scales you can set up. In May 2023 - you can now use course-level scales (set up by the administrator) based on the information available.

    Within those scales, you can define the percentage to achievement scale option for the given course. You can also set up the mastery grade book to have a "degrading" scale based on providing more relevance to later assessments rather than relying on all the assessments: https://community.d2l.com/brightspace/kb/articles/3542-setting-up-outcomes-for-use-with-grade-book-mastery-view