With Video Assignments (YouSeeU), can students record a powerpoint presentation along with...

Gregory.M.421 Posts: 4 Analytics Builder Transition
edited November 2022 in Customer Enablement

With Video Assignments (YouSeeU), can students record a powerpoint presentation along with themselves on webcam?

We are looking to roll out the free version of the YouSeeU products, but I can't seem to figure out if the following is possible in Video Assignments: Students recording themselves on webcam while simultaneously displaying a powerpoint presentation. All of the documentation seems to imply this is possible, but I don't seem to have those options, at least without a tedious workaround. Anyone have experience with this?



  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 580 admin
    edited November 2022

    Hi @Gregory Moore​ 

    I've been thinking about your question today, and I wonder if part of the confusion is in part, due to the close similarity between Virtual Classroom and Video Assignment.


    While there are several Video Assignment types ( I think all of which allow for the uploading of a PowerPoint presentation) the video focus of these seems to be primarily on the learner as they record their answers.


    In Virtual Classroom a facilitator or learner can present a power point presentation and record both themselves, as well as their presentation. Provided that the learner has access to the presentation mode, this may be the easiest way for them to record this information.


    Hope this helps.


  • Gregory.M.421
    Gregory.M.421 Posts: 4 Analytics Builder Transition
    edited November 2022

    Hi Stefanie,


    Thank you for the reply. I think you're right. My desired use case for Video Assignments is to allow students to easily record presentations online and share them with others asynchronously (e.g., each student gives a 5 minute presentation on a topic that others can view). However, the design and marketing of it seems to suggest that its a way for students to practice communication skills or need to come up with verbal answers on the spot (rather than giving a rehearsed presentation with a powerpoint in the video). I'll have to explore Virtual Classrooms some more to see if maybe that is what I'm actually looking for.


    Thanks again for your helpful response!


  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 580 admin
    edited November 2022

    @Gregory Moore​ 

    I just found some documentation on how students CAN record themselves and their powerpoint presentation in a video assignment! Thanks for helping to teach me something new, and sorry for the delay


  • Gregory.M.421
    Gregory.M.421 Posts: 4 Analytics Builder Transition
    edited November 2022

    Thank you! This is very helpful.


    I'm not sure if this has to do with our integration or if everyone has this issue, but we do not have the option to select Webcam and Desktop on the "Add Video" popup screen. We just see the "Record Video" and "Upload Video" button (see image). When I click Record Video, it defaults to my webcam with no option to record my Desktop. Does anyone else have this issue as well?




  • krussnak@bowvalleycollege.ca
    edited November 2022

    Hi @Gregory Moore​ . Some of the YSU Video Assignment features described by @Stefanie Baldwin​ , such as desktop recording during VA creation, are only accessible with the Premium level YSU subscription/package. We are currently piloting the YSU Video Assignment at our institution through our "Freemium" level subscription. We noticed this limitation after desiring the same functionality. The limitation was confirmed by our CSM and D2L Senior Rep via the D2L Partners Desk. As such, we can only record the via the webcam or through an uploaded video (no more than a 100 MB upload too).


    The use cases for recording the desktop as part of an Individual Assignment in the YSU Video Assignment tool are intriguing. Additionally, the integrated peer-to-peer and instructor feedback that is facilitated by the Video Assignment tool offers something different than the Virtual Classroom and is quite appealing.


    Feel free to reach out to me directly if you would like to discuss YSU Video Assignment use cases in further detail. I am happy to share our initial experience using the YSU integrations and what we have learned so far. It is very likely that I will learn something new as well.



  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 Posts: 580 admin
    edited November 2022

    @Kaesy Russnak​ Good point about the distinction between freemium and premium features. It's still possible to record students and their powerpoint presentations in a Virtual Classroom setting using the freemium options.


    The chart on this webpage helps to make a good distinction between those features: https://www.d2l.com/products/virtual-classrooms-video-assignments-premium/

  • Gregory.M.421
    Gregory.M.421 Posts: 4 Analytics Builder Transition
    edited November 2022

    @Kaesy Russnak​ : Thank you so much for your response. I thought I was missing something, but that explains it! We are intrigued by the possibilities as well, so we are going to keep exploring this tool. And @Stefanie Baldwin​ , thank you for the continued support and for some other ways we might accomplish our goals.