First 2025 Meeting Postponed to February 12, 2025 11am ET

Hello Everyone,
Happy New Year! We are postponing first meeting of 2025 to one month later based on your Product Manager availability to February 12, 2025 at 11am ET. In this meeting we’ll survey meeting frequency (may switch to quarterly) and day/time of meetings to maximize everyone’s time.
If you have not received the meeting invite and would like to be included please let us know here.
Warm regards,
Jackie, Natalie and Monica
Please send me the calendar invitation with the link to attend the meeting -
I would also like a calendar invite, please. My email is Thanks.
Please add me to the invite. I have not received one yet and I would like to continue to participate in these meetings.
Amy Miele
amiele@vhslearning.orgThank you!
Hi! I'd like to receive the meeting invite as well - thank you!
I didn't receive an invitation but would love to receive one at
Please add me to the meeting.
Thank you. -
Please could you also send me a meeting invite thanks
Please send me the calendar invitation with the link to attend the meeting. Thank you!
Could I join as well please?
Please send me the meeting invite.
Has anyone received the meeting link yet? @Natalie.D.535 Is there a better way to ask for the meeting link? I struggle to get the meeting link every meeting. It's never posted here and I've yet to be added to an email list.
My email is
Nothing listed in upcoming events and no calendar invite sent. Hopefully someone will send the meeting link.
Please send the link or post it here!
Anyone have the link to the meeting?
Can someone share a link to the meeting? Or send to - thanks!
Can someone share a link to the meeting? Or send to - thanks!
Password: 884929
iPhone one-tap: (CA Toll): +17789072071,98667078435# or +17806660144,98667078435#
Meeting URL: -
Please share the link to the meetings in this group! There should be an easier way to get added to this series so we don't have to request the link every single time.
At least put it in Upcoming Events for the group at the bottom of the group page,
Thank You!