Yuja Panorama Accessibility Tool

Our institution recently acquire Yuja Panorama (Summer 2024) as a replacement for Ally to assist our d2l platform with accessibility. Learning about this new tool, we encounter some interesting thing and would like to learn from others who may have use this tool much longer than us.
Wondering, if your school is using Yuja Panorama as an accessibility checker in D2L, would you reply back to me, melany.budiman@pcc.edu? We’d love to collaborate with you to learn more about Yuja Panorama as an accessibility tool with you.
Thank you, Melany Budiman.
Hi Melany,
My institution just procured YuJa Panorama. If you would, please promote the PIE item I just posted requesting D2L to provide YuJa with an API that would allow the remediated documents to replace course files.