Is there a dataset that will give me a list of all our courses with related information?

Lee.M.415 Posts: 2 🔍
I'm fairly new to Brightspace. One thing I'm disappointed in is the database and all that is missing. Is there not a dataset that gives basic course information? Things that are specific to a course like the things you need to include when creating a course. Having to go to Course Management is tedious and that doesn't give all that it should. You have to go into the course and click on Course Information and that shouldn't be. I cannot believe there is not a dataset named Courses that gives:
Course Code, Course Name, Start date, end date, date created, course template, department, semester, active status, etc..
Why isn't there such a table or dataset?


  • Jennifer.W.973
    Jennifer.W.973 Posts: 357 🎆

    @Lee.M.415 The Organizational Units data set includes that data. It includes all org units, which can be courses, departments, semesters, groups, sections, etc. That will depend on how your institution defines org unit and what it decides to include in D2L. You will most likely to need to join Organizational Units to Organizational Units Descendants to get the full table you are looking for.