Next meeting


Hello everyone -

There has been a bit of confusion about the transition to the new meeting time and the change of meeting name. For some reason, when I cancelled the old HE Learning Outcomes meeting, it did not properly get removed from all of your calenders. If you still have a meeting on your calendar at 2p or 3p ET, you can delete it or decline it. That meeting is no longer happening.

The new meeting is now at 11a ET on the 3rd Thurs every other month (in the odd numbered months). It is titled the Assessment Advisory Board. This replaces the HE and the K-12 Learning Outcomes Advisory Board meetings.

There will be no meeting in July due to FUSION. I don't yet know if we will be meeting at FUSION. As of this point in time, there is nothing scheduled, but if I am able to schedule a meeting at FUSION, I will let you know. The next virtual meeting for this group will be in Sept on Thurs, 9/21 at 11a ET.

I will post the recording from today's session here, in this community group, early next week.


