Experience with Yuja Panorama with Brightspace?

Hi everyone!
We have recently switched from Ally to Panorama and we are having some issues. I just wanted to know if anyone else had experience using Panorama in Brightspace, if they are also having issues, and how faculty and students are responding to Panorama.
Hi Charity, We are currently evaluating Panorama, could you let me know what kinds of issues you are having? Thanks.
Hi Charity,
we are also interested to start using Yuja Panorama. I am curious about your experience with Panorama so far, could you tell us something about it?
Hi Charity,
We also recently evaluated Yuja and it doesn't work quite well inside D2L without Chrome extension. So the vendor is working on updating their product for us to work in D2L, but I don't have ETA yet. Can you share your experience with Yuja? Thanks.
I am also interested in hearing about experiences with Yuja Panorama and Blackboard Ally with Brightspace. We are evaluating both tools now for our community college, and have just heard the initial presentation from the companies this week.
It appeared that Panorama plans to implement inline remediation but it is not available until (possibly) the end of the year. The inline remediation would be very valuable to our faculty (and we designers) to be able to fix documents such as PPTX, PDF, Word, etc. inline instead of needing to download, fix/remediate in the respective programs, then upload back to the course.
We do work with Yuja as a company and use their video program integrated into Brightspace.
Thanks for sharing your experiences. Also, do you know how Yuja Panorama works with other browsers?
We will get a demo soon and will share my findings with you then.
Hi @Melany.B.895 - just quickly following up to see if there's been any change to your situation mentioned above re: Panorama not working as well in Brightspace without a Chrome extension; were they able to resolve this issue for you? Thanks in advance!
We are still waiting but they are working on a solution—D2L and Yuja, I mean. There seems to be a disconnect in communication, but that also might be on our contract side—all community colleges in Tennessee now have a contract with both Brightspace and Yuja for Panorama at least. When I talk to our Yuja rep, they are always waiting to hear from D2L about setting up the javascript for it.
Panorama seems to work well in a variety of browsers. The problem is it requires users, both faculty and students, to install a browser extension. It's not just built-in like Ally was. -
I'm so sorry… Yuja Panorama doesn't require plug-ins anymore, so it works right away on the browsers. We switched to Yuja Panorama Summer 2024 and ran into a few quirks. Our big hurdle right now seems to be that any remediation on files outside of HTML will not be stored permanently in D2L. Faculty have to download it if they remember what files they just remediated. Otherwise, when they copy the class for next term, they will get a ding for the Panorama score again. Our panorama rep said D2L didn't let them get this update going. We'll see how that will turn out. 😅
It seems that I can't find any other schools that are already using the Panorama accessibility tool. Feel free to email me at melany.budiman@pcc.edu. We’d love to collaborate with you to learn more about Yuja Panorama as an accessibility tool with you.
Thank you, Melany Budiman.
Melany.B.895, actually we heard from other schools in OCCDLA that they are also experiencing this same behavior with Panorama on other LMSes, including Moodle. This issue is not limited to Brightspace and Panorama.
We have a case with Yuja on this matter, PANO-1922.
We are also experiencing a lot of issues with Panorama in Brightspace and also hearing from the rep that they can't get much help integrating stuff into Brightspace as well as they can with Canvas. We have things like the course report showing multiple reports for the same file (I am suspecting each time someone uses the remediation engine, it's making a new report for that file), including student submissions in the instructor's course report score (!!!), including files in "manage files" that are not being used directly in the course, and yes, not copying over remediation or reported scores when the course is copied into a new shell. I am in contact with our rep often but it is frustrating. Most of the community colleges in our state have moved or are planning to move to Panorama from Ally, but they seem to have no problems, so honestly I am glad I'm not the only one! I would love to know more about how other institutions are handling these issues. My email is cdavenport4@pstcc.edu.
We also are having the same issues, having recently added Panorama to Brightspace at our college. It feels to me that Panorama has not worked out all of their kinks yet, and they still have some updating to do so that course files can be remediated in-line as promised. This was one of the main selling points of the tool. As we work on making our course content accessible and training faculty to do so, it needs to be quick and easy to remediate files without needing to download and upload.
There is the Doc Hub area in the Dashboard where files can be uploaded and remediated. I haven't tried this out yet, though.
Panorama folks told us in a meeting a few weeks ago that they are working with D2L/Brightspace on the issue of remediated files not being stored in Brightspace. He said that the files are stored in Panorama, so there may be issues if the course is copied for future use. (This was news to us.) We also have issues with Panorama identifying font as 9 point when it is clearly larger. There are other problems that we are documenting as we work on our courses. We have been submitting tickets with Yuja through their ticket system, as well as emailing our rep. They seem fairly responsive, so I would encourage everyone to submit their problems to Yuja.
Hi Melody,
I posted this link on a different thread but here it is again. We have the same issues! Please share with your colleagues.