Will the recording of the latest (2021-01-21) Advisory Board meeting be posted? I see the slides...

Ryan.W.853 Posts: 5 🌱
edited November 2022 in Social Groups

Will the recording of the latest (2021-01-21) Advisory Board meeting be posted? I see the slides but I would be interested in hearing any discussion that happened during the meeting. Thank you.


  • Michael.M.227
    Michael.M.227 Posts: 67
    edited November 2022

    Hey Ryan -


    I did post the link from the HE Advisory Board. Here is that link again. (Note: You need to enter the "." at the end of the password as one of the characters of the password.)


    https://d2l.zoom.us/rec/share/0l8EKR13QdvN66TbZTo7Rj-76Sdi9nxpc6mfPPP1jo-IAPZ5_ciI6DdjY4MnhLlm.ZwuY-20JW0Gzuw1C Passcode: mg5ku32. 

  • Ryan.W.853
    Ryan.W.853 Posts: 5 🌱
    edited November 2022

    Thanks Mike - I see the recording in the stream below now (I had been looking for it under Files). I've watched the recording and one issue about rubrics that wasn't discussed was the inability to change the aligned learning outcomes. I can see if someone changes the text enough that the learning outcome might need to be changed too so that is aligns with the new intent of the wording. For our use cases (program assessment), the ability to change the learning outcomes is generally more important than changing the text (although I welcome the ability to change typos). I would want some control of how such a outcomes change (if ever allowed) cascaded back in time or between copies (in some cases it would need to, but in others it would not). We use master course shells to share rubrics aligned to outcomes with all courses in a department. Once the rubric has been copied to a course, faculty need to be able to modify it (often deleting whole rows that don't get assessed in that particular course). In that case, no change at the course level should cascade back up to the master shell.

