By Kathleen Murphy, Senior Product Manager Creator+
Get ready for an exciting upgrade! With the release of Data-Enabled Practices, we're transforming the way you work. The D2L Transition Services team is on a mission to revamp all legacy Creator+ Practices, turning them into dynamic, data-enabled Creator+ Practice activities for all our C+ customers.
Starting July 2024 (20.24.07), every newly created Creator+ Practice will be data-enabled, ushering in a new era of insights and improvements. This release includes a Practices Adoption dataset, providing vital information about location, type, and author. And that's not all! Coming in August 2024 (20.24.08), the Practices Engagement dataset will reveal detailed Learner attempts.
Legacy Practices won't collect data, potentially causing a mixed experience with both old and new practices side by side. Without a visual distinction between data-enabled and non-data-enabled Practices, it could be confusing for both Learners and Instructors.
We're solving this with our D2L Transformation service, which will convert all Legacy Practices into data-enabled ones. Remember, data cannot be retroactively collected on Legacy Practices, so this upgrade is essential!
Our dedicated D2L Transition Services team will be handling all the transformations on Creator+ entitled sites. This service will be provided at no cost to customers, who will be notified once the transformation is complete.
Update: Due to D2L's recent acquisition of H5P, which will enhance Creator+ Practices with improved data and reporting features, the transformation of legacy practices is now postponed. This update will be completed by the end of 2024, integrating both the new data capabilities and H5P functionality into all legacy and data-enabled Creator+ Practices.
Our Transition Services team will initiate the transformation in your environments and carefully monitor the progress. Any hiccups along the way? Don’t worry, our team will swiftly resolve them. This process is seamless and invisible to end users, ensuring that your current use of Practices remains unaffected. Once complete, you'll see new entries for each existing practice in the Practices Adoption dataset the next time it's generated. We'll notify you when everything is done. Rest assured, there will be no changes to the Instructor or Learner experience due to this update.
Get ready to embrace a smarter, data-enabled future with D2L!