Originally published March 26, 2020
By Megan Shuker, Senior Product Manager, Product Management D2L
End of life date: August 15, 2020
Assignment Grader is the mobile app built for instructors to evaluate assignments. The app is available on both iOS and Android and allows instructors to annotate and provide feedback to students from tablet devices.
Why are we making this decision?
D2L is committed to innovation and creating a platform that enables inspired learning experiences. Unfortunately, legacy technology can hold us back from offering the best solutions, Assignment Grader is one of those technologies.
With Daylight, we introduced a fully responsive platform, allowing any workflow to be completed on mobile. We further enhanced the ability to find and prioritize evaluation activities with Quick Eval, and then added the ability to annotate student assignments in web experience, as well.
We are continuing to enhance the web experience, with updates to the mobile evaluation experience later this year. While doing this, we want to provide the best experiences for our instructors and that includes finding and prioritizing ALL learning activities, not only Assignments. Through these changes, instructors will find that they can evaluate a wider array of learning activities and maintain a consistent experience between their tablet and the web experience.
What is the impact and transition plan?
Assignment Grader is used by a very small percentage of Brightspace users. We will be removing the app from the app stores August 15, 2020. At this time, we will no longer be able to support the application, though users that have it on their device may use it indefinitely.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can I still grade on my tablet?
A. Yes! You can log into Brightspace using your tablet’s browser (Safari, Chrome, or Firefox) and navigate to Quick Eval from there.
Q. Wait, you mean I have to log in every time?
A. For now, we are planning some changes to Pulse that will open it up for use by instructors as well.
Q. What about offline grading?
A. While Assignment Grader is used by a small percentage of users, offline is used by a small percentage of those users. We will no longer support offline evaluation for the time being. We will, however, analyze other ways to provide the ability to evaluate learning activities offline.