In the past few months we’ve been hard at work improving Brightspace Data Sets (BDS) related to quizzing. In addition to adding fields not previously available, we’ve restructured how we present this data, so you can get more out of it. Here are some of the questions we’ve heard from you and how they have been addressed:
How can I see the questions that aren’t part of any quiz or survey?
Previously, questions would only appear in the BDS in relation to a quiz or survey they were included in. However, with the introduction of the Question Library data set, questions that are not currently in a quiz, survey or question pool are now available. Use the Question Library dataset to see all questions (Quiz, Survey, Self-Assessment) that exist across your organization.
How can I find all the questions within a certain question pool (”random sections”) in a quiz?
The new Question Relationships data set will show you all questions that exist within a question pool of a quiz. Historically, these were called random sections. You can also use this data set to see all the questions in a quiz or a survey. When joining the Question Relationship BDS to the Question Library data set, you can discover in how many places a given question is used, or even find the questions that are not currently used in any quizzes or surveys.
How do I find the answers to questions in a question pool?
Once you have identified questions from a question pool in the Question Relationships data set, and you would like to see how many learners ended up receiving those questions in their individual quizzes, you can join directly to the Quiz User Answers data set to see the number of answers provided by those learners taking the quiz.
How can I recreate the structure and ordering of a quiz outside the Brightspace environment?
Sometimes you want to be able see patterns in answers based on the order questions were presented to students. Or you have used sections to group all the questions related to a certain reading passage and you’d like to look at these answers together as well. Previously, you could order quiz questions in the Quiz Question data set and filter or group by section name, but with the addition of the Quiz Survey Sections data set, it is easier to organize or filter by sections.
How can I see what happened during a quiz attempt?
Previously, information on all the quiz attempts for a particular user and quiz was available in the Quiz Attempts data set. The new Quiz Attempts Log data set gives more information on the saving and submitting events that occur during each quiz attempt so that more detail can be seen about the quiz attempt process.
Did we miss your question about working with quiz and survey Brightspace Data Sets? Go ahead and ask it in the comments section below!
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