Below are seven items that often don’t get considered thoroughly when creating a case.
They may not be applicable in all cases but reviewing this list before submitting a case might save time and extra communication steps.
Case Creation Checklist
Be sure to check each of the following items before creating a case.
✅ Did you search the Brightspace Community? If you have:
✅ Is this a Request or Case?
- Commonly performed tasks such as changes to your Brightspace environment, are submitted as Requests.
- To report a problem or defect, a case is the appropriate choice.
✅ Did you include steps to reproduce the problem?
- Please provide as much detail as possible about the steps needed to reproduce the problem. A description of the problem is important but often the steps to reproduce help find a resolution more quickly.
✅ Did you include screen shots?
- Pictures are worth a thousand words and make it much easier for the support team to see what you see.
✅ Did you Provide permission for D2L Support to impersonate the user?
- Sometimes it is faster to diagnose a problem by temporarily taking over the role of the user. This is called impersonation. If relevant to the case and allowed by your organization, providing permission to impersonate specific users may speed up the case resolution.
📝Note: To comply with privacy legislation, D2L Support must receive permission prior to impersonating a user.
✅ Did you include the URL?
- Is the URL to your Brightspace included in the case description?
✅ Are Impact and Urgency correct?
- Picking the correct impact and urgency for your case helps ensure it is handled efficiently. Selecting higher values will not necessarily mean quicker response. The Brightspace Community article, Submitting Cases with the Correct Priority Level, provides more detail.