Adoption Planning: Setting Desirable and Realistic Brightspace Adoption Goals
Adoption Planning: Setting Desirable and Realistic Brightspace Adoption Goals Authored by: Holly Whitaker, PhD, Learning Strategy Consultant at D2L. If you have participated in any professional development or strategic goal setting experiences in the last few years, you're probably familiar with the SMART method of goal…
Adoption Planning: Establishing your Minimum Viable Learning Experience Toolkit
Adoption Planning: Establishing your Minimum Viable Learning Experience Toolkit Authored by: Holly Whitaker, PhD, Learning Strategy Consultant at D2L. When starting out with Brightspace, it's tempting to let your instructors find and use the Brightspace tools they want to use when they want to use them. However, this…
Organizational Readiness & Planning for Success Checklist (Enterprise)
Organizational Readiness & Planning for Success Checklist (Enterprise) Current Activities: Understanding your current workplace learning culture and use/potential use of online learning, while agreeing internally as to your present status is key to success. * How are you currently delivering learning content? Do you have…
Kick Start Brightspace Adoption Play for Higher Education
Authored by: Customer Success at D2L Refer to the Higher Education Adoption Playbook to check out all the available adoption plays Refer to the Kick Start Brightspace Adoption for Higher Education Workbook to access the download. Getting Started To know if this play is right for you, ask yourself if any of the following…
Change Management Basics: Planning adoption milestones considering the Rogers Adopter Categories
Change Management Basics: Planning adoption milestones considering the Rogers Adopter Categories Authored by: Holly Whitaker, PhD, Learning Strategy Consultant at D2L. As a change leader, your goal is to get your institution to full adoption by defining what "full adoption" means for your institution and creating a…
Adoption Planning: Creating Success Case Stories that Motivate and Inspire Further Brightspace Adoption
Adoption Planning: Creating Success Case Stories that Motivate and Inspire Further Brightspace Adoption Authored by: Holly Whitaker, PhD, Learning Strategy Consultant at D2L. As campus-level change leaders responsible for achieving the levels of Brightspace adoption you want among your faculty & instructors, you know that…
Change Management Basics: Restructuring your team to increase adoption
Change Management Basics: Restructuring Your Team to Increase Adoption Authored by: Holly Whitaker, PhD, Learning Strategy Consultant at D2L. When starting with Brightspace, part of the process is to determine what levels of adoption you really want, and how you will know your institution has achieved those levels of…
Brightspace Implementation: Project Governance and Change Management
Originally published May 26, 2020 Before your Brightspace Implementation starts you should begin thinking about Project Governance and Change Management. Effective strategies will help everyone in your organisation transition smoothly onto Brightspace, reassuring users that their needs will be met and concerns…
Plan for Success - Change Management
Change Management.docx Use the attached document to help drive the adoption of your Brightspace Learning Management System (LMS).
Change Management Basics: Creating Success Case Stories to Reach Middle Adopters
Change Management Basics: Creating Success Stories to Reach Middle Adopters Authored by: Holly Whitaker, PhD, Learning Strategy Consultant at D2L. When you start a push to increase Brightspace adoption, you can find yourself in a situation where you need examples of faculty members on your campus who are doing masterful…