Organizational Readiness & Planning for Success Checklist (Enterprise) Current Activities: Understanding your current workplace learning culture and use/potential use of online learning, while agreeing internally as to your present status is key to success. How are you currently delivering learning content? Do you have any online learning initiatives already in place? IF your organization is new to using an LMS, consider what types of learning content do you plan to bring online? IF your organization currently offers learning content online, what types of courses are already using or plan to use online learning/LMS (will the courses be fully online, hybrid, or traditional seated courses)? Know how many trainers plan to use or already use online learning tools. How are they using it? (for evaluation? Completion tracking? Online discussions? Content delivery?) IF you are already using online learning, understand the strengths of your current online efforts and identify what areas are being challenged. On-Site Team and Resources: Identifying your current on-site team and available resources for online learning will support a smooth transition. Identify who is on your internal stakeholder team and what their roles are in the process. Realize the resources that are in place to support your online efforts. (Dedicated online learning managers/content creators, IT, HR policy & procedure, support from leadership etc.) Understand how you plan to train your content creators and trainers to utilize your LMS and be prepared to deliver workplace learning content online. Recognize if you offer professional development for your content creators and trainers around online best practices for modern workplace learning. Identify any templates or company branding required to offer a consistent online experience for content creators and users. Communication & Promotion: Identifying your “Message” regarding this change to Brightspace and how best to promote its adoption institutionally will ensure widespread acceptance. Identify the targeted audiences. Build a message that conveys why the change, what the benefit will be, what will remain the same and what will differ. Identify ways to engage users around the new platform, based on the 3C Approach (Clear, Concise and Captures Attention), using Brightspace whenever possible. Find ways to promote the change and motivate its adoption through fun and creative measures, including creative messaging and incentives. Adoption Strategy: Identifying an “Adoption Strategy” focused on driving usage and support around adoption of Brightspace tools and functionality. Organizational Readiness, identifying content creators and assessing their experiences, skills, abilities, perceptions and opinions with an LMS Plan, Achieve, Measure (PAM) Approach: Assists in building a plan and creating actions steps and measuring success. Adoption Strategy Support: Review of materials and resources in the Brightspace Community focused on adoption, including White Papers, Guides, Worksheets, Articles. Planning for the Future: Strategic planning today can help lay the foundation for planned growth and new opportunities tomorrow. Identify natural opportunities for growth, based on current practices (existing programs, new programs, professional development opportunities). Identify ways to promote a culture of online best practices for your workplace through professional development, including training, peer/mentoring programs and employee spotlights. Support a modern workplace learning culture of effective practices, through creating and maintaining policy and procedure around content creation and delivery and effective use of online learning technologies.