True custom styling
Please ignore my previous questions! This stuff is messing with my styles. How do I edit these? app.css, and the inline styles
Help Needed: LTI 1.3
I'm new to LTI, so I've decided to create a small application to learn more about it. However, every time I make a call to the authenticate end-point, I receive a 404 error. This is the endpoint I'm calling from the LTI tool. public IActionResult Login([FromForm] string iss, [FromForm] string login_hint, [FromForm] string…
How can I connect grades with assignments and not get a billion rows of data?
JWKS url for OAuth access in Brightspace?
We are trying to verify the access token from OAuth. In order to do this, we need a "key identifier" (kid) from Brightspace, but we are not sure how to find it. There's one endpoint in our environment called: https://<instance>.brightspace.com/d2l/.well-known/jwks Here are a set of keys that can be used, but none of them…
Quiz Question Statistics not Appearing After modifying question
I have a professor who had a quiz and noticed that there were a couple of answers (after the quiz had ended) that had multiple answers (they must have accidentally chosen multiple answers). After they went back to indicate one of the answers as being correct they now have multiple questions with no stats. Is there a way to…
Arithmetic Question and Variables
I have created an arithmetic question on quizzes, created a graphical equation to solve, inputted my variables in { } and put in the details for the variables at the bottom. But when my students go to complete the test, the variables are not being replaced, they are still appearing as x, y and z. BUT! When I press "Test"…