Set up OneRoster v1.1 integration
OneRoster is the standard IMS Global specification designed to allow secure sharing of class rosters and related data between a student information system (SIS) and any other system. OneRoster 1.1 is a major upgrade to the educational content, tool, and platform roster related standard. OneRoster supports spreadsheet (CSV)…
About OneRoster CSV
This document describes details of the OneRoster CSV configuration, requirements, and recommendations for implementing integration with your Student Information System (SIS). For CSV integrations, support for the OneRoster v1.1 specification allows administrators to upload a OneRoster 1.1 compliant package that contains…
How IPSIS relates to Brightspace Organization Structure
OneRoster CSV OneRoster CSV integration accepts your data in a set of Comma Separated Values (CSV) files, uploaded via a zip archive of CSV files. The file formats you will be working with are and will be processed in the following order: * manifest.csv * academicsessions.csv * orgs.csv * courses.csv * classes.csv *…
CSV File Format
Common File Content Rules * Values in files are case-sensitive. * An empty value is represented with two commas with no spaces between them (For example, excluding brackets, [,,] indicates blank value, where as [, ,] indicates a space character, which is parsed as an invalid value). * The CSV files must have a header…
Using OneRoster
Set Up On the IPSIS Administration page, select the Configuration tab. Configure your integration:* Review and edit settings and complete mappings.* People* Instructor and Learner are defaulted, but can be deleted. * Click + Add Role to add additional SIS specific role names to map to Brightspace role. The following are…
Set up OneRoster 1.1 REST
OneRoster 1.1 REST integrations enable you to schedule data to be pulled from your organization's SIS to populate required roster related data (including schools, classes, users, enrollments, and others) in Brightspace. The IPSIS Administration user interface includes a schedule to allow you to configure the time of day…
OneRoster REST for Blackbaud
The Integration Pack for Student Information System (IPSIS) platform The Integration Pack for Student Information Systems (IPSIS) platform is an integration platform in Brightspace that consists of common components and a collection of products that allow you to import information from your organization's information…
OneRoster REST for Classlink
The Integration Pack for Student Information System (IPSIS) platform The Integration Pack for Student Information Systems (IPSIS) platform is an integration platform in Brightspace that consists of common components and a collection of products that allow you to import information from your organization's information…
OneRoster REST for GG4L School Passport
The Integration Pack for Student Information System (IPSIS) platform The Integration Pack for Student Information Systems (IPSIS) platform is an integration platform in Brightspace that consists of common components and a collection of products that allow you to import information from your organization's information…
OneRoster REST for Infinite Campus
The Integration Pack for Student Information System (IPSIS) platform The Integration Pack for Student Information Systems (IPSIS) platform is an integration platform in Brightspace that consists of common components and a collection of products that allow you to import information from your organization's information…