Stuck In Refresh
So, I found that on the refresh page you can find the number of rows generated by a dataset. This help to determine if the Dataset build was at least reasonable. But what do you do when it gets caught in 30+ min refresh loop. It would help if the standard D2L datasets shows the number of rows so I could set an upper limit…
Lumi only seams accessible via the chat. Let's say my grades aren't summing and D2L produces an error code. Does the AI automatically anylize that and offer up a solution. This is when thing will really start getting interesting. Thanks!
How to set up Row level security for datasets in Analytics Builder
Hi, I have been trying to set up RLS on a custom built dataset used across multiple dashboards. The RLS setup described in the AWS documentation (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/quicksight/latest/user/restrict-access-to-a-data-set-using-row-level-security.html) does not result in expected behaviour. As an owner of the…
Is there a way to track how many users have viewed the announcements in Brightspace?
I have faculty who post announcements and like this feature. However, they would like to know, similar to the other data reports we can pull, how long someone viewed an announcement. I looked but could not find anything that said this was possible. Thank you.
Analytics Builder
We are looking for more training in Data Analysis to use the tool more effectively. Any suggestions?
Is it possible to use the Analytics builder to create a group of courses?
Hello, We would like to create a group of specific courses and generate a report on the date on which students have posted to any discussion, submitted an assignment or attempted a quiz. This is required to manage the substantive interaction policy at our university. Will appreciate any help and guidance this community can…