Love the ID Escape Room course...could we get a copy?

Jenn.R.456 مشاركات : 2 🌱

Hi, All!

Our team at the Center for Instructional Innovation at Augusta University explored the "Escape Room" course ( ) today, and we loved it. :) We were wondering if there's any way we could get an export of the course so we could play around with the design.

Thank you for making this example of creative use of release conditions available!

Jenn Rose (& team)


  • Alex.V.58
    Alex.V.58 مشاركات : 173 ⏸️ Inactive

    Hi Jenn! I'm so happy to hear that you and your team are loving the Escape Room Learning Center resource 😊

    Ultimately, we do not offer the export of our Learning Center resources. The main reason for this is that we work diligently with our resource creators to keep the content as fresh and up-to-date as possible! We are only able to do so when we have the means to make edits through the Learning Center. We would be unable to make those edits to content that has been exported and imported elsewhere.

    Apologies that I can't offer better news in this case, but thank you for taking the time to share this feedback!

  • Michael.P.245
    Michael.P.245 مشاركات : 6 Analytics Builder Transition

    Hello, love the escape room. Do you have any advice if schools want to design their own escape room, for example, where to start, coming up with a story, and execution? Any advice will help; we are thinking about doing an escape room for students to learn Brightspace. Thanks and again, great job.

  • Alex.V.58
    Alex.V.58 مشاركات : 173 ⏸️ Inactive

    Hi Michael! I cannot claim to be the brilliant mind behind that course, but you will find many of those folks in this group who are probably willing to share 😊

    If I may, I'd like to also point to another of our Escape Room/Gamification Learning Center resources that is another great example, put together by one of our customer spotlights: Lynn's Take on Gamification.

    We're lucky to get to facilitate the creation of these resources with these creatives!

  • Jenn.R.456
    Jenn.R.456 مشاركات : 2 🌱

    Thank you, @Alex.V.58! Hey, @Michael.P.245!

    Our team is exploring ideas for supporting faculty who want to implement this type of gamification/activity into their course(s) at a couple of different scale levels: an entire (LMS) course and/or an activity, such as a self-select, group-based support activity structured around topics of interest.

    At the activity level, the overall idea is that faculty who want to try using an 'escape room' activity with their students have a base from which to build that's a bit smaller than an entire course. Our group would essentially provide an activity template that fac. could copy or download/import and then customize for use in their courses without having to do a ton of heavy lifting on their own.

    Thanks again for the info.!
