Building Effective Onboarding Practices
Originally published May 17, 2019 In the modern workplace, employees are encouraged to learn quickly and apply new information efficiently to solve problems. However, traditional onboarding practices are still a part of the organizations where employees work. These traditional methods vary from multi-day in-person sessions…
Tips for moving your in-person class online and still have an awesome student learning experience
By: Holly Whitaker Learning Strategy Consultant Face-to-face course learning experiences can work differently than online learning experiences, but both have the same desired result – which is that students walk away with a specific knowledge base, a set of skills and attitudes as a result of that learning experience.…
Transition Your Teaching
Transition Your Teaching.pdf Used to completing tasks in a physical space? If you're looking for a way to reference our tools with your in-person tasks we've got you covered!
The Transition from Face-to-Face to Online Learning: Maintaining an Engaging Experience
Photo by rawpixel.com on Unsplash You’ve been teaching a course in a traditional face-to-face (F2F) classroom for years and have it nailed down to a science. Semester after semester, you get rave reviews from your students for your engaging way of teaching. But now you must put your course into a fully online program and…
Building HTML pages vs. SCORM Content in Brightspace
A sample HTML page with graphic tabs Lately I have had a lot of conversations with clients discussing why our Learning and Creative Services team builds in native HTML for our Brightspace customers vs. using a Rapid Development Tool (RDT) like Articulate Storyline, Captivate, or Elucidat, and then upload a SCORM package.…