Um dia as coisas importantes irão parar aqui.
BDS Version 10
Is there documentation anywhere of the specific changes that are coming in v10 of BDS? The update from v8 - v9 was very time intensive for us, so any clue to the extent of the changes before they go into effect would be very helpful.
New Content vs Classic Content
I was looking through the data model and can't seem to find any way of knowing whether a course is using New Content or Classic Content. Am I missing something? We currently give the faculty a choice of how to represent their course shells. However, we would like to be able to collect information about the breakdown of…
Insights builder above Offerings question -New to Brightspace
Hello new friends! Im curious, just before i spend potentially hours into creating something that already exist. Also a fairly new report builder. Is it possible or is there something i am missing that we can get an enrollment count/ access broken down by layers above the course offering? For example, above…
Tracking Uptake of Two-Factor Authentication
Hi, just wondering if any institutions are tracking uptake of 2FA? We want to see how many accounts are implementing 2FA over time, would the Local Authentication dataset be sufficient? If not, how are other institutions tracking how many users have 2FA enabled? Thanks!
Withdrawn Students and Assignments
Second question for the night: I know that we can pull out data in gradebook for students who have withdrawn part way through a unit. Can I confirm, that same data isn't exposed in any of the Brightspace assignment data sets we have access to? Example is Student A submits 3 assignments before withdrawing from a unit.…
Group Membership
Hi, Hoping I'm missing something obvious here. I'm trying to pull out a data set of all students in units and when/if they have submitted to assignments in each unit, and if so how many times and what score they have achieved. I've got most of that worked out, but I'm coming unstuck with the group assignments. Is there a…
SQL Query on a Dataset I created in AB
I'm trying to find my footing in AB… and followed the course tutorial on including the full schemaName.tableName_version_number in the query. Does this mean I can only create a SQL query on the tables listed in the schema? Can I not create queries that references a customized dataset that I build or that has been shared in…
BDS Changes for 20.24.9
I see a new column 'AIUtilization' being added to several data sets. Will these columns only exist for those with one of the new D2L Lumi packages?
Tracking Student Usage outside of Content items and activities
I'm interested in student usage of various tools in D2L, but I need clarification on what is actually tracked. In Tool Access from the Course Overview widget, I can see views for Announcements and Grades when I filter down to the Student role, but I'm not finding anything in the data sets that would allow me to see if a…
Is there a dataset that will give me a list of all our courses with related information?
I'm fairly new to Brightspace. One thing I'm disappointed in is the database and all that is missing. Is there not a dataset that gives basic course information? Things that are specific to a course like the things you need to include when creating a course. Having to go to Course Management is tedious and that doesn't…