Looking for suggestions on How to move from Competencies to Outcomes

Ling.Q.48 Publicaciones: 4 🌱

Our institution has been using Competencies for 5 years, and recently, we are exploring the Learning Outcomes.

But without paying for the achievement+, we want to see the functions with Learning outcomes, but still using competency because we are constantly pulling the CLOE data for several programs.

My questions:

  1. is there are away that we only turn on the Learning outcomes function for one or two programs, so the rest of the programs can still use the competency function?
  2. If we decide to move to Learning outcomes, can D2L help us move all the programs/rubrics/assessment activities from competencies to learning outcomes?

I am open to any suggestions! Thank you!


  • Bruce.B.64
    Bruce.B.64 Publicaciones: 53

    Hi @Ling.Q.48 ! Outcomes can be enabled at a single course offering level to allow you to start reviewing and building out course masters and/or offerings.

    As you've probably been monitoring the majority of the future development is focused on Learning Outcomes and innovative products such as Achievement+ have been built out to take advantage of the Outcomes environment.

    Product has mentioned over the years that when Brightspace starts the process of transitioning from Competencies to Outcomes for all customers, there will need to be a process on how to migrate all client assets from one tool to another. At this time, Product has not identified when this will be allocated some research / development time to make this transition.

    There are several sets of datasets (much more exhaustive than Competencies was) available to start building reports and evaluating - either through Performance plus tools like analytics builder, or through your own data warehouse.

    That said the current CLOE Advanced Data Set is targeted at Competencies at this time.

    My suggestion(s) would be:

    • You can start setting up learning outcomes in a batch of courses as a pilot
    • Take advantage of the Brightspace datasets available now to see if these will meet your reporting needs
    • Work with your account team (Client Sales Executive, Customer Success Manager) to continue to get more information and prioritize your needs

    Look forward to hearing more on how your journey continues.
