Course comapletion status and Grade along with topic score for respective grade activity.

Praveen.S.1239 Publicaciones: 16 🌱
editado junio 28 en Social Groups

Hi Team ,

I am using course toc api for my lti i want to know how we can get score of each topic and course completion status along with course calculated/final grade for user using apis .


  • Andrea.M.553
    Andrea.M.553 Publicaciones: 87


    I suggest you look these up using our API reference to be sure, but it sounds like you may need:

    GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/content/topics/(topicId)/completions/users/(userId)

    Retrieve a content topic completion for a topic for a particular user.

    GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/(gradeObjectId)/values/(userId)

    Retrieve a specific grade value for a particular user assigned in an org unit.

    GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/grades/final/values/(userId)

    Retrieve the final grade value for a particular user.



  • Praveen.S.1239
    Praveen.S.1239 Publicaciones: 16 🌱
    editado julio 25

    Thanks Andrea

    Can you also let me know how to get course status for user whether course is completed or in-progress ?

    How many status a course have similarly for topic and module ?

    Can we also get module completion status ?

    Thanks in Advance .

  • Andrea.M.553
    Andrea.M.553 Publicaciones: 87

    Hi Praveen,

    All of the various user progress APIs are here and Course Completion status APIs are here.

    You can search our API documentation here to be able to find the calls you want in the future.



  • Praveen.S.1239
    Praveen.S.1239 Publicaciones: 16 🌱

    Hi Andrea,

    I have tried below endpoints -

    see the endpoint -



    for both apis getting same response -

    {    "PagingInfo": {        "Bookmark": null,        "HasMoreItems": false    },    "Items": []}

    please help me if I am doing anything wrong. its not giving me completion object.

  • Praveen.S.1239
    Praveen.S.1239 Publicaciones: 16 🌱

    Hi Andrea,

    I have tried the below endpoints but not getting completion object.



    for both apis getting same response -

    {    "PagingInfo": {        "Bookmark": null,        "HasMoreItems": false    },    "Items": []}

    please help me if I am doing anything wrong.

  • Praveen.S.1239
    Praveen.S.1239 Publicaciones: 16 🌱



    for both apis getting same response -

    {    "PagingInfo": {        "Bookmark": null,        "HasMoreItems": false    },    "Items": []}

    please help me if I am doing anything wrong not getting completion object.

  • Praveen.S.1239
    Praveen.S.1239 Publicaciones: 16 🌱

    Hi Andrea,

    Thank for the reply but course completion is not returning the completion data

    see the endpoint -



    for both apis getting same response -

    {    "PagingInfo": {        "Bookmark": null,        "HasMoreItems": false    },    "Items": []}

    please help me if I am doing anything wrong.