Upcoming changes to content and discussion API scopes
Hello everyone, we wanted to bring a product blog to the attention of the Developers group. If you do have any questions or concerns please do let us know. Thanks!
Brightspace API Release Notes - November 2024
Our Brightspace ILP in continuous delivery provides these new features and changes since the release of October 2024: Learning Environment. Version 20.24.11 of the Learning Environment includes these changes with version v1.81 of the LE API: We’ve added a PinnedDate property to NewsItem structures. Previous changes. You…
Share your Experience Using APIs with D2L's UX Research Team!
D2L’s User Experience (UX) Research Team is looking to speak to individuals who use Brightspace APIs about their experience using them. UX Researcher sessions will be running between February 12, 2024, to March 15, 2024. If you are interested in participating in this UX Research, please see the project details below.…
How Can Our Developers Group Help You with Your API Workflows?
Heyya all! I want to re-examine the value of this group and ensure it provides the right information, resources, and discussions to support all of you. I'd appreciate hearing from you on what you'd like to see this group provide, and how you've used it in the past. One item that I'm specifically taking a close look at is…
Log and Logging API
Has anyone been successful at pulling logs? I've read all the documentation and have tried so many different combinations of parameters but nothing works for: GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/logging/ GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/logging/grouped/ The only one that does seem to pull data is GET…
Postman Error - Refresh Token works, whoami doesn't
I followed Postman with Paul's directions to create my first API. I created environment variables to replace the collection variables. I can successfully request a new access token and it updates the environment variables correctly. However, when I run Get WhoAmI, I receive this error: { "type":…
API SCOPES available to Course Home Widgets.
I'm trying to use the forceLogouts LP API call from within a course widget. But I keep getting response.status of 403. I'm doing this so my Single Sign On Users will get forced logged out from Brightspace pulse which would normally hold their login for the 30 day tokens they are granted in Pulse. We want to just lock the…
Brightspace events?
Hi. I'm quite new to BS development. I'm faced with the following issue. I need to get all enrollment changes in BS groups. The thing is that there are a lot of groups and I don't want to get the group info of all groups, and then check if there are changes. I think that would take to much time, but also be to big a load…
H5P affects D2L's nav bar position
Has anyone else run into the following issue when using a book activity from H5P? We embed the H5P book in a content page, and when clicked, the book's position on the page changes (I think there is some scrollToTop method being called in an H5P script). However, in doing so, D2L's nav bar gets pushed off the screen and…
Dataset extracting issue in ADF - status code 400 Bad Request
Hi everyone, I built a pipeline in Azure data factory to download bright space datasets in batches. Some of the datasets extracting gave me HTTP 400 Bad request error. What confused me is some of the datasets extracts worked, some didn't. The download link URL is like this:…
Workshop Booking Calendar widget
Hi Team I tried to create a workshop booking calendar with a search function with out system admin being able to add events but i needed the OAUTH2 code and the my brightspace instance do you know where I would get these things? I then tried to change it so the events where added in a separate widget but populated in the…
Devcop instance?
I have developed an assessment tool that I would like to hook up to d2l for grade passback. The github says "If you are not a member, you can easily join in order to access credentials for the Devcop instance." However, when I follow the link ( and attempt to register, it…
importing release conditions in course package?
(Third time is the charm, I hope…thought I had posted to the developers community earlier but apparently posted on a different forum!) I am working on a GUI in python and Qt that allows me to modify announcements efficiently for populating a course by uploading zip file (news_d2L.xml and imsmanifest.xml). The core…
Is there an API content type where any user type can read & write to a created data instance?
I'm working on a BrightSpace-integrated port of an existing fully external custom data service where an important requirement would be Learners being able to make booking content that any other user, regardless of type, can see and edit provided they have service-unique permissions. I have repurposed the API's discussion…