Remove user from course in Yuja when removed from course in BS/course ends- FERPA
مشاركات : 4 🔍
When a course ends or an instructor is removed from the course on D2L, they are still able to use their SSO to enter Yuja and see students associated with the class until they are removed from the course within Yuja. At this time we are periodically auditing the instructors and removing them from the Yuja courses by hand, one-by-one. Is there a bulk process out there, or a process by which they could be removed through the Yuja integration as soon as they no longer have access to the BS course? Maybe some Yuja plans to build a process by which you can update groups/courses using an import file, as you can for adding users?
الكلمات الدلالية:
Which Yuja tool are you referring to?