Is there an API content type where any user type can read & write to a created data instance?

Paul.M.4581 مشاركات : 2 🔍

I'm working on a BrightSpace-integrated port of an existing fully external custom data service where an important requirement would be Learners being able to make booking content that any other user, regardless of type, can see and edit provided they have service-unique permissions. I have repurposed the API's discussion board structure but it is bloated — I am only using the Name/Description and Subject/Message fields to store JSON content — and it only allows Instructor+ and the original creator to make edits. It also means that a useful core feature of our existing bespoke service — admins being able to create content on behalf of a regular user and then allocate the created content to them — is not feasible. I had already been forced to abandon using Event since only the creator and instructors could see the created content. Is there something I've overlooked in the API that would better meet our needs? Thanks

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