Bilingual course creation

Chris.S.317 مشاركات : 4 🔍
Good morning, I am not sure if this is the right group to ask my question. I am new to Brightspace and have been trying to find out how to make bilingual courses. Our current courses are in Moodle and are bilingual. What I mean by this is that content in both French and English is contained with content pages and questions but the learner sees only the material in their language of choice. Is there documentation on this somewhere?


  • Rabia.I.200
    Rabia.I.200 مشاركات : 14

    Hi Chris,

    Welcome first of all to the Brightspace community! Thank you for asking your question, currently with Brightspace clients normally create two different courses for the different languages they would like to offer the course in, this is so that everything from content, assignments, discussions etc are created in the language the user needs.

    I also wanted to share that within Brightspace for different users you can set up the locale to certain languages to learn more about it:

    If you have any additional questions do let us know!

  • Chris.S.317
    Chris.S.317 مشاركات : 4 🔍

    Thank you for you response Rabia. (sorry, I didn't realize that my response hadn't been sent)