Interested in learning more about updates like the new instructor experience that came to...

Erin.Janulewicz6853 مشاركات : 7 🌱
تم تعديل 2022/11/30 في Social Groups

Interested in learning more about updates like the new instructor experience that came to Qwickly Attendance Pro this Summer? Make sure to join the Fall 2022 Qwickly Attendance Pro Onboarding Cohort! This Cohort runs from August to December and is now being offered to any and all Qwickly Attendance Pro licensees for free. Join today and learn how to utilize the most extensive attendance taking tool on the market!


If you are not a Qwickly Attendance Pro licensee and would like to join this Cohort and start a pilot license of Qwickly Attendance Pro, make sure to reach out to for more information.


  • Stefanie.B.518
    Stefanie.B.518 مشاركات : 542 admin
    تم تعديل 2022/11/30

    This sounds like a great opportunity @Erin Janulewicz​ 

    Grateful to you for sharing about it here in our Partners Group!