IT'S OFFICIAL!! We will be having our next Learning Outcomes Advisory Board meeting at FUSION! ...

Michael.M.227 مشاركات : 67
تم تعديل 2022/11/30 في Social Groups



We will be having our next Learning Outcomes Advisory Board meeting at FUSION! This will be a combined event for both the K-12 and HE client participants. Breakfast will be provided with this meeting. I will send out a calendar invite and provide the room location information in that invitation as soon as I have it. The breakfast will be on Friday morning, July 22 from 8:00a to 9:00a. (Room location TBD) We will not be able to adequately do a virtual hybrid of this meeting. I will share slides here after the breakfast. Moving forward we will resume our bi-monthly schedule for virtual meetings in September. I look forward to seeing everyone in person if you are attending FUSION.




  • Travis.H.362
    Travis.H.362 مشاركات : 23 Analytics Builder Transition
    تم تعديل 2022/11/30

    Unfortunately didn't make it to Fusion - were there any updates to share? Specifically wondering about the status of functionality to use multiple achievement scales. Thanks!

  • Michael.M.227
    Michael.M.227 مشاركات : 67
    تم تعديل 2022/11/30

    Hey Travis - our work to support course specific achievement scales is our next major initiative. We are currently in the planning phase for that work.