importing release conditions in course package?

Paul.U.634 Berichten: 4 🌱

(Third time is the charm, I hope…thought I had posted to the developers community earlier but apparently posted on a different forum!)

I am working on a GUI in python and Qt that allows me to modify announcements efficiently for populating a course by uploading zip file (news_d2L.xml and imsmanifest.xml). The core functionality works and upload is successful, but the condition_set tag is not set in the course package import. Ideally, the import process will also apply the release conditions to avoid users having to manually add them to each announcement within D2L. Attached is my news_d2l.xml file. Everything imports displays as expected, but condition_set is not applied to the release settings. The condition_set value in my xml file matches the release condition tag value that D2L exports from the same course.