Tracking online "truancy"

Dane.L.746 Messages 7 Analytics Builder Transition

I am a student Brightspace help specialist at Pennsylvania Highlands Community College. I'm trying to figure out a way I can create a report that shows students who have never logged in to their online classes after the first five school days of a new semester. Often these students fall between the cracks because of tech issues or they simply forget the class has started. This way I can reach out to them much faster instead of having it reported to me 2 weeks later through instructor alerts.

Are there any resources I can use or materials I can read to make this happen?

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  • Michel.S.892
    Michel.S.892 Messages 5

    Hi Dane,

    If you're looking for course access information, I recommend using the Course Access and Course Access Log datasets. A good starting point is to cross-reference the DayAccessed/Timestamp field with the course's semester start date.

    You can find the full schema and dataset correlations here: Brightspace Knowledge Base. Additionally, you'll need to include the Users and Organization Units datasets to identify the user and course information.

    I hope this helps!

  • Andy.F.437
    Andy.F.437 Messages 40 🧭

    Do you use any CRM tool like StarFish or EAB? I believe they can also integrate with Brightspace so you're getting this data in our early alert tool so advisors and others can access the info. Otherwise, @Michel.S.892 has a great recommendation. You can also use the User Logins dataset if you're only looking at LMS access and not specific course access.

  • Mary.C.485
    Mary.C.485 Messages 23 Analytics Builder Transition

    This might be a naff solution, but if you're just using Brightspace tools, you could set up an intelligent agent that emails students within the time frame you want, triggered by students who haven't logged in. You could then engineer a dataset pulling in those intelligent agents and the users affected to build your report. We've done a similar solution at Uni of Suffolk (UK) to track incomplete mandatory training.

  • Justin.B.253
    Justin.B.253 Messages 50 🧭

    I just did this for our college for FAFSA reasons and to drop non-attending students. We had a report built into our old DOMO system before transferring over to Analytic Builder but I haven't figured out the new system so I build a webpage in D2L that uses API and javaScript to pull information and do the manipulation of data and then spit out resulting .csv file. We do something similar when extracting data from an Intelligent Agent to determine if a student has finished all the modules in an orientation class.

  • Melissa.H.804
    Melissa.H.804 Messages 13 🌱

    Watching this discussion with interest I like @Mary.C.485's idea of setting up an intelligent agent that way you don't have to pull the dataset and then send the email yourself. And @Justin.B.253 I'm jealous of your skills! I'm trying to figure out a way to pull course login information and get it uploaded into Slate but API and javaScript are still foreign languages to me!