UX Research Survey - Aggregation of Outcome Achievement

Hi there, 

The D2L Product Design team wants your input!   

 We are conducting a survey to better understand if, how, and why you're aggregating learning outcome achievement data (using any tool(s), not limited to Brightspace).  

We are looking to hear from individuals who can speak to approaches to combining learning outcome data across activities, courses, and/or sub-outcomes (either at the institution and/ or program level).  

If you fit this description and are interested, you can take the survey here:  


If you have colleagues who might fit the above description, please feel free to forward this invitation to them!  


The survey should take 10-15 minutes to complete.  

Participants who meet the above criteria will receive a gift card for 10 USD as a thanks for their participation.  

Gift cards will be sent on the Friday following your survey response.   

The survey will remain open until May 31st.  

Please reach out to Katie Ashcroft, Katie.ashcroft@d2l.com, if you have any questions. 



Katie Ashcroft  


User Experience Researcher  


Lindsay McCardle  


Principal User Experience Researcher  




To view D2L's privacy statement, please visit D2L's privacy page.  

If you or someone you know is interested in joining our UX Research Participant Database, please share our database sign-up link.   https://d2lsurveys.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ehzYst8QuTapyCO