Regarding Data Schema and Dictionary of Tables and Values

Renny.L.790 Messages 2 🌱


I am having difficulty trying to find the field names and tables in the ever-scrolling user interface of QuickSight.

Is there a listing of the latest version 9 tables so i can do my SQL.

I also tried running the SQL and it pop up that I dun have privilleges to run SQL on my existing BrightSpace Data Set. How can I do all the joining without running the proper SQL and joins?

Please Help.


  • Bruce.B.64
    Bruce.B.64 Messages 45

    Hi @Renny.L.790 - You can use the Brightspace Data Sets documented in the community (Example - Assignments BDS - ) to get you started with your discovery. This includes an ERD (based on data set family) that should be able to help you map the different datasets mapping (PK, FK, etc) to help start building your dataflows.

    The tables listed in Analytics Builder (Quicksight) are data sets pulled from your system. I'd recommend checking to ensure you have author privileges in the system, as read-only users cannot create data flows.

    I also recommend some of the enablement training that is now available in the Community for Analytics Builder located under Resources > Learning Center > Getting Started with Analytics Builder

    Let me know if that helps start your journey using Analytics Builder!

    Have a great day!
