Recording assignment feedback with desktop video

Hi everyone! My university is moving away from using VoiceThread in our D2L, which leaves me in a bit of a pickle. I teach an asynchronous painting class, and when students upload images of their work, I need to be able to record myself responding to (speaking) about their work while, importantly, being able to point to areas of their paintings while I'm critiquing. In other words, students need to see where on the painting I am talking about/gesturing towards rather than just hear me saying, "now look at the top left part of your painting, there is a green shape 3/4" inch from the top…" etc. A screen capture option would be just fine, but I can't find such a thing. Right now the only thing I can think of is to independently record and upload 40+ Kaltura videos for each of my 8 assignments, but this will take me way too long to make it feasible.



  • Jadine.K.8403
    Jadine.K.8403 Publicaciones: 2

    Hi Alessandra - One possibility that comes to my mind is recording a zoom meeting with yourself and using the annotation tool to draw on the paintings on your screen?