Long post alert!... but it’s worth it…  This year’s Fusion conference was a great year for...

Anthony.Leal2999 Publicaciones: 60
editado noviembre 2022 en Social Groups

Long post alert!... but it’s worth it…


This year’s Fusion conference was a great year for customer presentations, discussing the use and extension of Brightspace as well as strategic approaches to online learning.


Thank you to all of our presenters at Fusion conference last week. The sessions highlighted below were all informative and engaging with something for new and established customers. All of these sessions were recorded and are available through https://www.d2l.com/en-apac/fusion/ - please encourage your colleagues to review and join in here for questions & thoughts. Once logged in they're in the "International" section or click here: https://fusionresources.desire2learn.com/d2l/le/lessons/36544/units/27838



@Josh DeKruiff​ and @Steven Fouracre​ at Wodonga Middle Years College gave a great overview of how to ensure a minimum standard for teachers new to online learning while enabling the more engaged teachers to innovate in online teaching practice.

@Diana Murase​ at Kardinia International College showed us what Brightspace looked like ten years ago when KIC first implemented Brightspace, and reflections on their journey since with a look at where KIC is headed. Diana is keen to connect with other K-12 users of Brightspace.

@Gregory Wilkinson​ Saint Stephens College finished things up for our customer presentations this year with a great summary of the move to give students more regular feedback through continuous reporting.


Higher & Vocational Education

The team at Deakin discussed actionable analytics and the various ways they use data from Brightspace to support Students and faculty.

@Mike Sturmey​ and @Simon Lismann​ at VU highlighted the authentic assessment capabilities of H5P integrated with Brightspace, shared a new product integration update (and were surprised by the popularity of pineapple on a pizza).

@May Lit​ at SMU discussed Academic Integrity and how SMU use data to prevent & detect cheating. May discussed the common ways students could attempt to cheat in assessments and exams and the ethical consideration in monitoring students. This is a must-watch presentation for anyone involved in online assessment.

Sarah Sabell, CEO of the College for Adult Learning (CAL) highlighted that adults learn differently from younger learners and with different motivations to learn. CAL’s specific focus in this area led to some fascinating approaches to managing courses and staying in touch with student engagement.

TAFE Queensland’s session gave an insight into the developing skills requirements and partnership with industry and how they are met through micro-credentials.


Corporate and Voluntary not-for-profit:

@Marina Dickson​ at ACF discussed the move to online learning, an existing plan that was sped up and quickly proof-tested in 2020. The benefits of smaller, personalised sessions with the audience of those working with vulnerable children with consideration and empathy for the learners seem generally relevant.

@Dan Casey​ at Vision Australia is keen to recruit volunteers to train Seeing Eye Dogs in Australia – if you’re interested in volunteering please contact Dan! Vision Australia use Brightspace for the Dog Trainers course along with other accessible courses.


I’d like to thank all our presenters and attendees and would encourage you to connect directly with our presenters to learn more!



  • Rebecca.F.235
    Rebecca.F.235 Publicaciones: 20 Analytics Builder Transition
    editado noviembre 2022

    Just an FYI that all the APAC recordings are within the International Module. Took me a while to find them 😉

    Cheers Bec